Sign Design and Layout
Basic Design and Layout
Basic layout service is included in the online listed pricing. Basic layout includes downloading supplied art files, laying out sign copy (wording), placing logo or images, and choosing a color scheme. If you are submitting print ready artwork we will print without adjustment. A proof is provided for review prior to fabrication.
Advanced Design and Layout
If more advanced design is required (multiple layouts/designs, Photoshop effects, image acquisition, etc. ) expert sign design service is available for an additional fee. When placing your order specify the sign wording and upload your logo or any artwork to be used in the design. If advanced design is required you will be contacted with a separate estimate.
Sign Design Philosophy
We provide a design and layout service aimed at effectively communicating your message. Our design philosophy is based on sign artist Mike Stevens' concept of "natural layout.

The following design troubleshooting guide comes from Stevens' book Mastering Layout.
I. The Graphic Essence
A. First impressions
1. Is the first impression of the sign good?
2. Does it have an eye and emotional appeal?
3. Is the overall composition unified?
4. Is the eye drawn quickly to the most important copy?
5. Then, is they eye led through the copy in the order of priority?
B. Hot Spots
1. Are there any "hot spots" or areas of immediate visual conflict?
2. Does negative space compete anywhere with the lettering in the design?
3. Do individual lines lines of copy relate well each other, are they competing?
4. Are any parts drawing it to the border of the sign before drawing it to the word or line?
C. Appropriate Image
1. Does the sign convey the appropriate image for the subject?
2. Are the letter styles appropriate?
3. Are the colors appropriate?
II. Layout
A. Copy Interpretation
Is the copy interpreted correctly, with the proper importance assigned to each idea? In the interpretation and prioritizing of the copy, were teh thoughts well separated into idea groups that lay out nicely and facilitate organizing the composition?
Is the line value assigned to the copy consistent with the priority of thought?
Were opportunites taken to rearrange the order of the copy fo facilitate layout or to achieve a more desirable effect?
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